Businesses need to provide Air tickets for their employees. Even the issuance of flight tickets is not mandatory for businesses; it complements their hard work and loyalty to the businesses. Many businesses provide air tickets along with the annual leaves of employees, which is mandatory as per the laws.

Issuing an air ticket is not easy, as it requires strategic planning from your management. Improper air ticket management can lead to higher expenses and waste of air tickets in your company.

However, your business can solve this issue with proper air ticket management software in Saudi Arabia. It can streamline air ticket issuance and encashment in your company. Here is the proven process for efficient air ticket management for your business.

Design a Framework

You should properly plan the leave structure and travel policy of your business. The air ticket management software in Saudi Arabia should abide by your company’s travel and leave policy. First, your business should have a good leave policy in which you mention the annual leave eligibility of your employees.

You may provide extended leaves for employees who have worked with you for a long time, while the leaves will be short for the recently joined employees. Clear insight into leave eligibility is crucial for designing the flight management system.

The travel policy of your business is also crucial, along with the leave policy. The travel policy sheds light on the eligible travel reimbursements for your employees. The leave eligibility and travel reimbursement criteria play an essential role in a business’s employee air ticket management.

Seamless Integrations

The integrations play a significant role in the efficiency of air ticket management in your business. Some crucial integrations of air ticket systems are the leave, attendance, and payroll management systems. The integration ensures a seamless and fluid data flow between these departments, which is crucial for decision-making.

Precise and quick data is necessary for a robust air ticketing system in your business that generates and issues flight tickets for your employees. A slight error in the air ticket may result in travel cancellation, which breaks the employee’s trust and causes several issues in the company.

So seamless integration plays a significant role in the travel management system of your business.

Integrate with Travel Booking Platforms

Proper travel management systems are necessary for your business for their numerous advantages. Your company should have a list of travel booking platforms for cost savings. When you have a good relationship with the travel booking platforms, you can negotiate and get air tickets for a lesser price for your employees.

Such cost-effective practices will help you lower business expenditures for your business. However, you should ensure the legal compliance and trustworthiness of such platforms. Stay away from unworthy and cheap air ticket providers because the safety and convenience of your employee is your top priority.

You can use the travel reports features of advanced HR air ticket management software in Saudi Arabia like Artify 360, where you can view detailed travel reports for your employees. Such features allow you to find the common pattern n in the ticket request pattern of your employees. This will help you identify the months your employees request the most tickets and the months with less travel. Such extensive reports will help you to negotiate tickets for these periods to save costs for your business.

Handle Encashments

Sometimes, your employees may not use the air tickets allotted for the year. So they may request you to reimburse them with their payroll. The reimbursements may sound simpler, but you need accurate planning.

The air ticket encashment is crucial to your leave and travel policies. So make sure you and your employees adhere to these policies. Ensure the encashment request meets the criteria mentioned in the policies of your business. Only then should you initiate the encashment process with the help of the air ticket management software.

You should integrate the air ticket management software with your business’s payroll system so you can easily encash the unused air tickets of your employees.

Artify 360 – The Best Air Ticket Management Software in Saudi Arabia

Artify 360 is the best air ticket management software in Saudi Arabia for your business, with all the features your business ever needs. You can store the leave and travel policy your employees can access whenever needed. Your employees can request air tickets which you can issue effortlessly once approved.

To ensure the approval process runs smoothly, you can set multiple approvals levels in Artify 360. Artify 360 is integrated with the payroll module to facilitate smooth encashments for unused air tickets.

Request a free demo of Artify 360, the air ticket management software in Saudi Arabia for small and medium businesses.