Leave Application Software for Handling Leave Requests and Monitoring Absences
Artify 360 leave tracking software will oversee the execution of employees’ leaves in your firm
Keeping track of employee absences might be increasingly difficult as your business grows without employee leave management software in Qatar. Managing holidays, sick days, casual days, maternity days, privilege days, and so on is challenging. However, how these leaves are handled impacts employees’ compensation and benefits. Because of this, we need more accurate tracking of leaves used and available for employees.
Due to its reputation as the most trustworthy and adaptable HRMS leave tracking software in Qatar, Artify 360 enjoys widespread adoption. Artify 360 is the leave application software used in Qatar to track employee absences and leaves.
The Best Business Leave Management Software
Employees can see information such as their remaining vacation days, paydays, and total days worked. By accessing this information, HR can spend less time communicating with staff.
Let’s say one of your workers is complaining about their wages. Possible causes include improper leave time management, leading to an inaccurate income calculation. Employers that use the best HRMS leave management software in Qatar may notice a rise in constructive spirit among their staff.
Qatar’s human resource departments utilize Artify 360, the employee leave management software in Qatar which helps employees request time off for vacations, illness, or other reasons swiftly and efficiently.
Workers in Qatar can get their leave requests granted faster with the leave request tracking software. As a result, there is less downtime and less ambiguity among employees.
Employees can check their vacation balance, eligibility, and approval status at any time, thanks to Artify 360’s intuitive UI.
Artify 360’s simplified leave tracking software and payroll administration features to make tracking and managing employees’ time off easy.
You can adjust Artify 360’s leave application software to fit your company’s yearly leave and individual leave policies.
How often an employee takes leave indicates their dedication to the organization

Artify 360’s Leave Management Has Incredible Results for Your Company
Artify 360 is Qatar’s leading HR leave management software, making it easy to request and approve leave-off with the click of a mouse. As a result of cloud computing, you can now approve time off requests from any location and check up on their progress whenever you choose.
- Request leaves
- One-click approvals
- Leave status
- List of all requests
- Multi-level approval
Every business must do the annual leave calculation since it directly influences employee compensation. Using the HRMS’s built-in leave management tools, you can easily keep track of your employees’ used sick days, personal days, and other types of leave.
- Requests for annual leave
- Annual leave calculation
- Annual leave approval
- Annual leave status
- Annual leave encashments
The HR department can save time and improve data quality by integrating the absence tracking software they use with the rest of the company’s back-end systems.
- Attendance management
- Payroll system
- Performance tracking
- Track leaves
- Track annual leave
Artify 360 Makes Leave Management Easier and More Accurate
HR departments may save money every month by using Artify 360, the employee leave management software in Qatar, to automate their employees’ leave process. Artify 360, the Qatari system for managing employees’ time off, provides several useful features, such as automatic updates to employees’ vacation balances and real-time tracking of their time off.

Open and Honest Leave Management System Your Employees Love
Artify 360 is the best leave-tracking software in Qatar, allowing workers to request time off quickly and on vacation. Employees who have accrued paid time off can pay it out with the help of HRMS’s leave management system. Members of staff may quickly check their vacation time, pending requests, and approved requests. Employees will respond satisfactorily to this kind of leave management software since it raises the value of working for your company.