Many organizations have begun employing an automated payroll. Organizations are becoming more efficient by embracing automated payroll. Now more than ever, there is a mandatory shift to automated payroll.

Let’s discuss the benefits of automated payroll:

1. Save money with transparent attendance

When you have a manual attendance scheme, it will lead to inaccuracies in the timesheets recorded. The calculation errors lead to a waste of money. Problems arise such as underpayment, and overpayment, due to human error.

This error impacts either the employee or the employer.

The companies which employ Attendance management systems have countered and eliminated human error in attendance marking.

During the salary day, employees have been underpaid because of an error in attendance marking. The only solution is digitizing attendance which results in 100% accuracy.

2. More efficiency=Higher Productivity

Maintaining attendance can be a one-man job, and have to hire an employee solely for attendance marking. Moreover, maintenance of attendance from check-in to payroll requires a lot of effort. Automated attendance can be tracked by measuring the number of employee hours and these hours get recorded in the system.

The human resources can invest their time in their assigned job and the HR team can use their time taking business decision making.

Data security with time and effort is a combination that always brings dividends. The employees are empowered by transparent attendance marking and results appear in terms of productivity.

3. Dead end to Excel Sheets and Welcome to the era of Dashboards

It is easy to get confused if attendance is maintained in excel sheets. The excel sheet is lame to calculations of hours worked, overtime, and average absence. The dashboards in the Attendance Management system provide proper insights through visual reports dealing with parameters like leaves, performance, and culture.

4. Replace memos with notification

At automation, all requests can be accepted or rejected with the click of a button. Instant alerts are given to the manager for approval or denial whenever an employee makes a request. This facilitates scheduling and offers data that can be used to forecast workloads, busy times, and budgets. Workflow is made simple and effective by attendance management solutions.

5. Attendance at the instant

Manual attendance have become outdated in times of post-COVID pandemic. Maybe it has been a proven and go-to method in earlier years. Check-in and Check-out are the primary steps of an Attendance Management system. This system is also compatible with using a variety of options via mobile apps, websites, or biometric terminals online.

All that manual tasks have been transitioned to digital experience altogether.

6. Draft your Own Schedule

Manual systems are so much limited on marking check in , check out and one break. Employing attendance automation,  it is easier to record multi-disciplinary terms like with individual attendance shifts, leave schedules, special holidays, and overtime, if any. Attendance management is limitless as there are no fixed parameters. Even an option of GPS-recorded attendance can be integrated onto an employee’s mobile phone.

7. The Judge of misuse and expenses

Attendance management systems with biometric systems bring 100% accuracy. It eliminates misuse, proxy attendance, and expenses. Also it eliminates time theft and loss of records.The attendance automates payroll system and will not leave a stone unturned than rely on manual recordkeeping.

8. Keep the records methodical

The attendance maintained manually can have human error but employing an attendance maintenance system helps to show the records to the labor department.

Make a sudden transition from workplace attendance to the digital era, to increase productivity. As work gets more advanced and competitive, we need human minds to focus on important tasks rather than manual administration and recordkeeping.

Request a free demo to get started with Artify Attendance Management System