Ever wonder how to improve the performance of your team? Most companies struggle to balance work-life culture and enhance employee productivity properly. The rise of employee attrition is looming over the mind of employers not to stress employees to work harder.

Skill gap analysis is the right solution to solve employee performance issues in your company; by analyzing the skill gaps and making the right choices, your business will benefit from the maximum efficiency of an employee.

So let’s go deep into the skill gap analysis and the strategies you can use to boost employee performance in your organization.

What is a skill gap analysis?

The skill gap analysis in Bahrain is an effective strategy to determine the skill levels of your employees and evaluate them to ensure whether it is aligned with your business goals.

With a detailed analysis of employee skills, you will understand what skills your employees possess and what they lack to meet the standard set by your business. To achieve the best results from the skill gap analysis, you need the right tool and strategy, or you will be chasing vanity measures.

In short, finding the difference between the current skill sets of your employees and the desired skill sets of your business to reach growth is Skill Gap Analysis. Understanding the skill gaps will help your business plan the right training, promotions and leadership training.

How to plan an effective skill gap analysis?

Evaluate your current status:

You should evaluate the current performance of your business in terms of employee performance. You should revisit your business objectives and lay out the plans needed to reach the growth planned. While reviewing the goals and objectives, you will understand the exact path your business needs to travel.

Then analyze the current performance of each employee and department to evaluate whether the optimal performance is reached or not. If not, note down what are the necessary changes you can make. Also, you should understand the challenges your workforce faces that prevent them from achieving the desired goals.

You should use various strategies such as interviews, surveys, questionnaires and interaction with your team to understand the challenges faced by your employees. Having a proper idea of the problem will help you make informed decisions that benefit your business.

Data collection and analysis

Once you identify the end goals of your business, the next step is to collect data on your employees. You should lay out the skills your employees need for each role to achieve the result. Then you should analyze your employees’ current skills and map them with the previous step. This will help you identify the employee skill gap in Bahrain, and you will get an idea about what to do next in terms of increasing output.

Define the future goals of your business

The next step of skill gap analysis is defining your business’s short-term and long-term goals. You should clearly know where you want to be in the next 3 months, 1 year and 5 years.

Such a clear idea will help you lay out the exact steps your business needs to take to achieve each goal in the future. Your employees should know what is expected of them in the upcoming years and how their contributions will help your business achieve the desired results.

You should also ensure that the current skills possessed by your employee are on the same page as the skills your business needs now to achieve future goals. If not, you should make the necessary changes discussed in the next step.

Bridge the skill gap with employee training

Once you identify the skill gap in Bahrain in your workforce, the next step you need is to bridge the skill gap. Employee training comes into play in this situation which upskill your employees to bridge the skill gaps. Providing training to your employees is crucial to the growth of your employees and your business.

Random employee training is the norm in modern businesses, which harms the company. For example, if your sales team has excellent communication skills but lacks time management skills, your sales performance will suffer. Providing communication training for them without understanding the core problem will be a waste of time and resources in your business.

So you should identify the exact skill gap in your workforce and then provide the necessary training that bridges the skill gaps and helps your employees and the business thrive.

How to organize your employee training in your company?

To organize your training effectively, your business requires a training management system. Artify 360 is the HRMS software in Bahrain which provides complete HR solutions for companies in Bahrain. It comprises an employee appraisal system which evaluates the skill and performance of your employees. With Artify360 effective employee training feature will optimize employee training in your business.