You are a business owner and you can set your schedule, and this freedom comes with challenges. So if you are the leader of your routine, there is a possibility that it will go off target.

Here is the thought of calendar management becoming worthwhile. Good calendar management uplifts the work graph to a vantage point. You can easily accomplish many tasks and meet deadlines.

What Is Calendar Management?

Calendar management is a process of scheduling and planning.

Jotting down the upcoming appointments or tasks, providing time for each commitment and knowing the progress and making slots in schedule are all part of Calendar Management.

Various ways to manage your calendar:

  • Pen-and-paper calendars or planners
  • Digital calendar apps or software
  • Employ someone for calendar management

There is no one method that is better than the rest; the purpose is the right way to get organized and on-task.

8 Calendar Management Tips

Using perfect tools for calendar management, you can simplify the busy schedule to an organized one.

1. Schedule everything — including time for managing your schedule.

Right calendar management can be practiced by taking time and effort. And it consumes precious time, calendar management needs attention.

If you are forgetful towards checking a calendar daily, make it a habit to check the calendar as the first task.

2. Choose a system that integrates seamlessly.

Being a business owner, you are already having a lot of work. The time has arrived to get a one-purpose app or software to keep track of the tasks.

Choose a HR calendar management software that can be integrated with the rest of your systems.

3. Try time blocking.

Always think that tasks or appointments can be allocated as “containers” of time. These containers can have a duration of an entire day or minimum as 15 minutes, the method is to categorize them that are meaningful to you.

This could mean:

Try to block a certain time to complete a task you need to work on a particular day.

  • Blocking out a certain amount of time for each task you need to work on that specific day
  • Assigning each day to various tasks like lead generation and email marketing. For example, Mondays for email marketing and Tuesdays for lead generation.
  • Prioritize a defined duration for completion of client’s work.

There is a proven and perfect method of time blocking. Any of the above methods can have its flaws.

4. Automate as much as possible.

Calendar management is a clear advantage of time management. Don’t get into unproductive mode with tedious tasks. Try any HR calendar management software, but utilize all of its features.

Is it possible to schedule recurring tasks for daily or weekly routines? Can it provide automatic reminders? Unless manual steps for recurring tasks are eliminated, you can get more time to think to solve complex tasks.

If you affix the first task of the day as opening your hr calendar management software, you may not waste time in confusion of what to do today.

5. Work with your brain, not against it.

You will be getting a lot of HR calendar management advice, but you have chosen a flawless calendar management system. It is not that a HR calendar management tool that works for your peer group can work for you too.

6. Set reasonable expectations.

The mistake that often arises during calendar management is underestimating the duration of completing a task. So the entire schedule is challenged.

To prevent this, give yourself more time than you think you’ll need to complete each task. 

Always add buffer time towards many tasks as this may cover the time, if some extra time is consumed.

7. Prioritize.

The key to efficient calendar management is prioritizing. No matter how organized your calendar looks, if you’re focusing on the wrong tasks, you still won’t be managing your time well.
One helpful exercise for setting priorities is the Eisenhower Box (also called the Eisenhower Matrix). In this exercise, you divide your tasks into four categories:

Prioritizing is choosing tasks that need to be completed on an immediate basis. Even though your calendar looks very organized, focussing on wrong tasks may cause a fall of time management.

A tried and tested exercise called Eisenhower Box is about dividing your tasks to four categories:

1.  Important and urgent: Do these tasks first.

2.  Urgent but not important: Categorize the tasks which someone else can do too.

3.  Important but not urgent: Schedule time to complete these tasks when time is available.

4.  Neither important nor urgent:  Strike off such tasks from the list. If you can do these tasks, you can return back to these tasks and every other task is dealt with.

Make Time easily manageable

To keep business organized and running, calendar management is best for time management. The time is allotted to every administration task like managing business finances, and maintaining software, equipment and tools.

Remember, Automation is new found technology. Always take control of the situation like project management software, mobile banking and automatic reminders on all platforms to help to keep up on-task.