Human resource policies in Saudi Arabia specify how employees should be treated and how you should handle specific workplace issues. This keeps everyone on the same page and ensures that employees are treated fairly and consistently. HR policies in Saudi Arabia also assist a company in complying with labor laws and regulations, lowering the danger of legal penalties and lawsuits.

Companies with clearly defined HR policies are often perceived as more professional and trustworthy, which can aid in attracting and retaining skilled staff. Clear HR policies can improve communication and decrease misconceptions between employees and management, resulting in increased production and morale.

In brief, HR policies are vital to any successful firm since they are critical in managing people and maintaining a productive and positive work environment. Here are some of the essential HR rules any business should have.


1. Confidentiality Policy

A confidentiality policy is a set of regulations explaining how a corporation’s employees should handle sensitive and private information. A confidentiality policy keeps sensitive information from being revealed to unauthorized parties.

The specifics of a confidentiality policy vary for every organization, although they frequently contain trade secrets, customer information, and financial data. It also specifies how employees should gain access to, handle, and store sensitive information.

A clear confidentiality policy can help your company in Saudi Arabia preserve its competitive advantage, create consumer trust, and avoid legal complications. It also instructs employees on how to handle confidential information, lowering the danger of unintentional breaches.

2. Remote Work Policy

A remote work policy is a set of rules outlining the terms and conditions of working from a location other than the office. Typically, this policy addresses eligibility, technology, communication, availability, productivity, security, and reimbursement.

Companies should have a clear remote work policy in place because it offers a framework for remote workers, explains expectations, and helps guarantee that work is done efficiently and effectively. It can also help businesses attract and retain remote workers and minimize costs connected with office space and other infrastructure.

3. Code of Conduct

A code of conduct policy is a set of standards that explain the principles, ethics, and behavior that a corporation expects of its personnel. This policy often contains your company’s principles, expected employee behavior, rule compliance, and reporting infractions.

A code of conduct policy is essential because it establishes the tone for ethical behavior inside a firm and aids in the maintenance of a positive work environment. It can also safeguard the organization from legal or reputational loss by lowering the likelihood of unethical or unlawful employee activity.

4. Leave Policy

A leave policy in Saudi Arabia outlines the terms and conditions under which workers can take time from work for personal or medical reasons. The contents of a leave policy vary per company, but they typically encompass the following topics: leave types, leave eligibility, accumulation, leave request, annual leaves, paid leaves, and leave deductions.

A competent leave policy in your company will help employees understand their rights and benefits and handle the leave-taking process fairly and consistently. It can also assist in reducing absenteeism and boost employee morale and satisfaction by offering peace of mind and a better work-life balance.

5. Anti-Harassment Policy

A company’s anti-harassment policy is a collection of principles that it uses to prevent and resolve undesirable behavior that creates a hostile working atmosphere. Your policy should address discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment, and other forms of harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation, caste, and religion. 

Your company’s anti-harassment policy should outline the restriction measures, helplines, and contact information for the relevant authorities. It should outline the method for investigating any harassment that happens in your workplace.

6. Parental Leave Policy

A parental leave policy outlines the terms and conditions for employees who take time off work to care for a new child, whether through birth, adoption, or foster care placement.

A typical parental leave policy in Saudi Arabia will include important information concerning parental leaves, such as eligibility, leave duration, pay during the leave, legal requirements and perks, notifications, and other benefits to which the employee is entitled.

7. Termination policy

The termination policy is a policy that determines the conditions under which you can terminate an employee from their position. The termination policy will usually contain the grounds for termination, discipline process, notice periods, warning letters, termination procedure, appeal process, final pay, and benefits. 

The termination policy in your company should contain all the processes and details of your termination. When devising all these laws, you must ensure that they abide by the legal regulations of Saudi Arabia. 

Final Thoughts

A business is as good as its systems. HR policies in Saudi Arabia are crucial for your business to ensure it is smoothly running. Whenever you face a hurdle or challenge, you can refer back to your HR policies. During onboarding, your employees should be accustomed to your HR policies. 

The best way to do this is by using Artify 360 HRMS software in Saudi Arabia with onboarding functionality. With Artify 360, you can upload all the HR policies, which your employees can easily access whenever they need. It helps employees understand the company and know what is expected of them.